15 employees of Sericulture department suspended, inquiry ordered


SRINAGAR, NOVEMBER 01: Director Sericulture Gulzar Ahmad Shabnum during a visit to District Sericulture office Srinagar today suspended 15 officials including District Sericulture officer Srinagar Dr lnayatullah Fazili for being un-authorisedly absent from duties.

The Director ordered on the spot suspension of the officials and full enquiry into the issue. Till pending enquires, the suspended officials shall remain present in the Directorate of Sericulture Department, he said and added that the delinquent and non performing officials shall not be tolerated at any cost.

The Director said with a view to improve the work culture in the department and boost the sericulture activities a multipronged strategy has been framed under which all necessary measures shall be put to practice at all fronts by involving every stakeholder for a positive change.

The Director further said that a grievance cell is being set up in the department, besides adopting an internal redressal mechanism to seek feedback and suggestions from everyone within and outside the department. Accountability and transparency shall be ensured at all levels in the department, besides rejuvenating and expanding the sericulture activities to the desired target groups, the director maintained.