VC KU reviews functioning of Higher Education sector in Leh


LEH, NOVEMBER 01: Vice Chancellor, Kashmir University Prof Talat Ahmad today convened a meeting to address the demands and problems pertaining to higher education in Leh district at DC office Conference Hall, Leh.

DC Leh Avny Lavasa, SP Leh Sargun Shukla, ADC Moses Kunzang, Councilor Saspol Tsering Wangdus, Councilor Sakti Gyal Wangyal, Councilor Panamik Tsering Sandup, Joint Registrar KU Dr Tanveer A Shah, Controller of Examination Farooq Ahmad Mir, Dean Academic Affairs M A Sakaf, Rector M S Sumbli, AC(R) Leh, Xen PDD, Xen Construction Division, Principal EJM College Leh, Principal GDC Nubra, Principal DIET Leh and Asstt Prof Leh Campus were also present in the meeting.

During the meeting, Councilors and College Principals put forth the long pending demands and apprised him about the problems related to higher education in Leh including de-linking of colleges in Leh from Kashmir University to ensure timely conduct of exams and declaration of results, provision for offline admission in colleges in Leh, to have separate academic calendar for Ladakh, to start new bachelor courses in Leh, early installation of OMR machine.

Principal EJM College Leh demanded to invite staff members from Leh colleges to attend syndicate meeting of University for framing syllabus, non-payment of examination remuneration to college staff and staff engaged at university sub-office and IT section. He also submitted a proposed academic calendar for the running classes and colleges of Ladakh region.

After giving a patient hearing, VC announced to start five integrated 5 years courses (3 years Graduation+ 2 years Masters) in Earth science, English and Tourism on the pattern of Indian Centre of Science and Research. He said that Earth Science will include Geology, Geography and Environment Science and students will even have the provision to leave the course after completing three years of graduation if they wish to move out of Ladakh for Masters Degree. He added that selective Master courses relevant to the area will also be developed depending on new positions for which he urged Hill Council and local authority to follow up with higher authorities at State level.  He informed that the courses have been formulated and shall be implemented soon.

The VC also announced to de-link colleges in Leh and Kargil district from Kashmir University and to open sub-offices in each district to conduct exams from paper setting to result making. He said that a new Controller of Examination has been appointed who will ensure the effective functioning of the sub-offices. He urged for cooperation and coordination from the local authority in running the Kashmir Satellite University in Taru by providing basic facilities like buses for commuting to run the campus with good enrollment.

He said that Ladakh has its own unique charm and with the campus properly functioning it will attract students from other parts of India and abroad. He asserted that he is committed to improve the higher education sector in Ladakh and assured personal intervention in the smooth running of the courses and classes.