Governor reallocates departments to advisors

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Governor NN Vohra on Monday reallocated the departments to advisors BB Vyas, K Vijay Kumar and Khurshid Ahmad Ganai.
As per a notification issued by the General Administration Department (GAD), Vyas gets Planning, Development & Monitoring; Finance, Housing & Urban Development; Rural Development &Panchayati Raj; PDD; Industries & Commerce; Ladakh Affairs; Election, Disaster Management, Relief Rehabilitation & Reconstruction, and Law, Justice & Parliamentary Affairs departments.
The departments allocated to Kumar are: Home, Forests, Ecology & Environment; Health & Medical Education; Youth, Services & Sports; Tribal Affairs; Hospitality & Protocol; Civil Aviation; Estates; ARI & Trainings; Information; Information Technology; Labour& Employment; Science & Technology and Food Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs.
Ganai gets School Education; Higher Education; Transport; Public Works; PHE & IFC; Revenue; Haj &Auqaf; Technical Education; Agriculture Production; Horticulture/ Floriculture; Animal & Sheep Husbandry; Cooperatives; Tourism; Culture and Social Welfare.
The powers exercisable by a minister will be exercised by the advisors,” the order said.