Financial Commissioner Revenue visits Central record room Bemina


SRINAGAR, JULY 03: Financial Commissioner Revenue (FCR), Dr. Asgar Hussain Samoon today visited the Central Record Room Bemina to inspect the progress of implementation of Digital India Land Record Modernization Programme (DILRMP).

The Regional Director Survey and Land Record gave the latest status of the implementation of the project.

The FCR moved around the central record room to have a firsthand review of progress. He was informed that so far 77.55 lakh documents have been scanned, out of which 24.86 lakh documents have been approved after quality check.

Similarly, 26487 Massavis have been scanned out of which 335 Massavis of District Srinagar have been digitised. Besides 20 Jamabandis updated by the revenue staff have been taken up for digitisation out of which 14 have been digitised.

Samoon impressed upon the officials to work with zeal and dedication so that the project is completed at earliest.