Director Agriculture Kashmir Syed Altaf Aijaz Andrabi chairs a high level meeting to review agriculture scenario in the valley.



“Awareness key to boost Agriculture  Sector”


“Introduction of  economically attractive,  glamorous and sustainable dimensions  necessary to attract young minds towards farming” , Director Agriculture Kashmir.


Srinagar/05th May 2018/ Educating farmers and youngsters on the latest technologies and innovations that are taking place are of utmost importance for Agriculture sector. Adopting a scientific approach at every step of farming coupled with the help from skilled man power can help boast Agriculture sector. These views were expressed by Director Agriculture Kashmir Syed Altaf Aijaz Andrabi while chairing a high level meeting of Officers of the department to review the overall present Agriculture scenario in the valley.

Speaking on the occasion Director Agriculture said that the level of awareness with respect to the real time trends and techniques in the field of Agriculture among farmers holds key to boost Agriculture sector.

He said time has come to figure it out why the youngsters today are not too keen to do the farming. The reasons need to be analysed and addressed in a way that every effort should be made to introduce the new economically attractive, glamorous and sustainable dimensions in the field of farming so that more and more youth could preferably adopt Agriculture as their first choice.

Mr. Andrabi said that our youth are one of the best human resource in the country therefore their involvement and participation in the field of Agriculture and allied wings will lead the state to an economic self sufficiency. “it is high time to make agriculture more remunerative and entrepreneurship based so that youth could adopt it by choice not by compulsion” he said.

Director Agriculture said simplification of Agricultural processes, efficient and real time practical training and marketing skills are necessary to attract  young minds towards farming.

Change is mandatory because Agriculture is changing globally he said, and added that concerted efforts should be made by the Department to develop a progressive temperament among youngsters and encourage them to take to farming.

Earlier Director was briefed about various youth centric initiatives taken up by the Department in different allied wings.

    Later on Director Agriculture inaugurated a common facility centre for women employees of the Directorate  of Agriculture here at Lalmandi Srinagar.