SSP Kishtwar Reviews Crime, Law & Order, Security


The Senior Superintendent of Police Kishtwar has reviewed the crime, law and order security scenario in the district by taking a detailed and prolonged meeting of the Police officers posted in various areas of the district. The various new dimensions of these subjects in view of the changing environment were discussed. The territorial officers and their superior supervisory officers briefed the Senior Superintendent of Police regarding the situation and problems of their respective areas. The SSP imparted detailed instructions to the officers participating in the meeting and has fixed up a calendar for the implementation of these instructions.

The Senior Superintendent of Police Kishtwar Abrar Chowdhary chaired a detailed meeting of the officers of the District Police at District Police Headquarters Kishtwar. During the meeting the various issues related to crime, general law and order, and the security were discussed threadbare. The SHOs and their supervisory officers of various Sub-Divisions gave detailed presentation of their work. The cases registered in the Police Stations during the last four months, their disposal, crime regarding drug abuse crime against women and property related crimes were discussed in detail beside the routine criminal cases. Besides, the unclaimed property related issues, arrest of absconders and proclaimed offenders activities of history sheets, surrendered & released militants and OGWs were also discussed. The routine activities and economic status of the history sheets, vagabonds and blackmailers was also reviewed. SSP Chowdhary imparted detailed instructions regarding all these issues. It was decided that the various anti-social elements and blackmailers who are habitual of blackmailing people on one pretext or other are required to be kept under surveillance by opening up their history sheets and personal files in the Police Stations. Beside regular cases registered in the district, the progress of the enquires initiated under provision 174 of Cr PC was also reviewed.

The position of general law and order in the various areas of district especially in view of advent of a number of new power projects, construction activities and transhumance of nomads to higher reaches was discussed. The necessary instructions with regards to law and order to various SHOs and other Incharge Police Units and their supervisory officers were imparted on the spot.

The issues of creation of intelligence network under police units, implementation of beat system, discipline among police cadre, welfare of jawans etc. were also reviewed in detail.
The security of the protected persons of the district was also reviewed in reference to the guidelines received from higher police formations from time to time.
The Senior Superintendent of Police Abrar Chowdhry directed the police officers posted in the district in various capacities to provide an honest, clean and fair policing to the people. He directed that there is zero tolerance to corruption, burking of crime and indiscipline at any level. He said that the efficiency of police can be gauged from the time it takes to respond to the day to day situations. If the response is quick the police is efficient. He asserted that along with quickness in response, the polite behavior and sympathy at heart are required while dealing with the problems of people.
Mr. Chowdhary impressed upon the officers to encourage and facilitate the youth in coming forward and competing with the rest of the world.
The Additiinal Superintendent of Police Kishtwar Perbeet Singh present in the meeting also raised important issues of day to day police working.

Among others Dy SP Headquarters Kishtwar Nihar Ranjan , Dy SP Operations Kishtwar Nissar Ahmed Khoja , Dy SP DAR Manoj Kumar , Inspector Haji Mohd Bashir SHO Police Station Chatroo, Inspector Sameer Jeelani SHO Police Station Kishtwar , Inspector Raj Paul Singh SHO Police Station Padder ,Inspector Bashir Kohli SHO Police Station Marwah ,SI Tofail Hussain SHO Police Station Warwan , Incharge Police Station Dachhan Janki Nath , all IC PPs and other officers were present in the meeting.