Ethical workshop was commemorated at Jammu Sanskriti School, Jammu


Ethics are the soul of human life. In the era of technology, somehow we have forgotten that human touch of love, compassion, etiquettes, respect, regard and have become mechanised. Keeping this framework in mind we at Jammu Sanskriti School, Jammu has organised an ‘Ethical Workshop’ wherein the resource person was Dr. Patricea of Digilook Health Care deliberated upon ethical values to be inculcated in today’s youth.

The workshop commenced with a question ‘Are we living to please our body or our God.’ Here in she asserted that in today’s era people have forgotten about the ultimate values like goodness, truth & beauty are in a race of becoming liars and dishonest. She made the children understand the fact that under any circumstance we should be honest to others & to ourselves.

Another topic that enthralled all of us during workshop was her exhilarated lecture on ‘Character Formation’ which goes hand in hand with ethics. She inspirited the children to initiate working on their ‘Character’ which calls for proper understanding of importance of ethics. She also innerved the faculty members to start igniting the spark of values among children. Principal cum Vice-Chairperson Ms. Rohini Aima said that we are in school and the ultimate aim of education is ‘Character Formation.’ She thanked the resource person for her valuable inputs to the students & staff.