India has lost its secular character: Er. Rasheed

Er Rashid. File Photo

Hundreds Join AIP’s March on the eve of 26th anniversary of Babri Masjid demolition

India has lost its secular character …….Er. Rasheed

Handwara 06 December: Hundreds joined today the peaceful march in Handwara, carried out by AIP on the eve of 26th anniversary of demolition of the Babrii Masjid. Protesters carrying banners and posters against Right Wing Hindu extremists passed through main market and assembled at Main Chowk. Addressing the occasion Er. Rasheed said that 6th December will always be remembered as the darkest day in India’s history and has in fact exposed the so called secular face of Indian state. Er. Rasheed said “While communal forces are always in search of opportunity to harm and humiliate Muslim community, Congress and other so called secular parties too have played their dirty role in the demolition of Babri Masjid. While Narsima Rao was ruling in the centre, it was Kalyan Singh in UP who collaborated with the extremists forces and demolished Babri Masjid. Twenty Eight years have passed but justice is yet a distant dream. India has lost its secular character. While Indian state abuses Pakistan everyday and wants world community to believe India being a secular country, the reality is different. When Indian Muslims are mourning 26th anniversary of Babri Masjid Demolition, Pakistanis have taken a moral victory by opening Kartarpur corridor for Sikhs. In fact the extremists have taken over and are keen bent to construct the temple, not respecting even Indian Supreme Court”. Er. Rasheed added “While India cries everyday of being victim of so called Islamic terrorism, the reality is that neither Pakistan nor people like Syed Salah-ud-din, Zakir Moosa, Riyaz Naikoo, Manan Wani and others are threat to Indian state but it is Hindu religious extremists who are serious threat to India’s integrity, composite culture and existence. The harsh reality is that Indian Muslims find themselves worst than second class citizens and feel every time insecure”. Er. Rasheed added that not only Muslims but Christians, Dalits and Sikhs are also facing threat to their very existence and Indian state must act to restore the faith of minorities, at least to protect India’s own interests. Er. Rasheed appealed International community not to forget atrocities on minorities in India and added that without constructing Babri Masjid at its own place and punishing those who demolished Babri Masjid, trust and confidence of Muslims cannot be restored in India.