Zulfkar attends All India Conference of Waqf Boards

NEW DELHI, MAY 07: Minister for School Education, Haj & Auqaf and Tribal Affairs, Chowdhary Zulfkar Ali today attended the All India Conference of State, UT Waqf Boards held under the chairmanship of Union Minister for Minority Affairs Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi at SCOPE Complex, New Delhi.

The aim of the conference is to review the progress of the Waqf related schemes and implementation of relevant rules and acts.

In his address, Zulfkar praised the Union Minister for doing excellent work regarding protection, retrieval and e-monitoring of Auqaf under the provision of Waqf Act. He stressed on measures to be taken for the protection of Auqaf properties and to work closely with the Central Government and other state Waqf Boards to improve their functioning.

The Minister also focused on the proper implementation of the educational and women welfare schemes for skill development so as to empower the poor especially the women. He also sought financial assistance for the protection of heritage sites famous for specific architecture in Jammu and Kashmir through Waqf Council.

Zulfkar also proposed regular interactions between the members of the Haj and Auqaf Board and Waqf Council to undertake awareness programme to promote the interest of the Council and to sensitize the concerned institutions about their roles and responsibilities.

During the conference, various schemes including Shahri Waqf Sampati Vikas Yojna (SWSVY), Educational Scheme, Quami Waqf Board Taraqquiati Scheme (QWBTS) were discussed.