Firecracker injuries during Diwali festival


A total of 27 patients with fire cracker related injuries were presented to the emergency services of Advanced Eye Centre, PGIMER, Chandigarh on 7/11/18. Seventeen (17) patients were from the tricity area (including Dhanas, Mohali,Panchukula, Zirakpur ) while 10 were from the neighboring states of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Himachal Pradesh. There were 20 males and 7 females. 11 patients were <16 years of age. The youngest patient presenting with ocular injury due to fire cracker was 2 years old (bystander). 11 patients were actually lighting the crackers when they got injured and 16 were bystanders. A total of 12 patients required surgical intervention all of whom have undergone surgery at the time of preparation of this report. Eight (8) of these 12 patients requiring surgery have severe injuries.