Gagan Bhagat expelled from BJP


Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Monday expelled dissident leader and former MLA Gagan Bhagat for his “anti-party’ and ‘anti-Jammu’ activities.

The move came hours after the Supreme Court junked a petition filed by Bhagat against the dissolution of Jammu and Kashmir legislative assembly by governor Satya Pal Malik.

“Taking note of the report of disciplinary committee of state BJP on issue of indiscipline and immorality of Gagan Bhagat former MLA, which was submitted to the party president of state unit on 19th July 2018 and in view of his continued anti party and anti-Jammu activity, party’s state president Ravindra Raina expelled Gagan Bhagat from the party with immediate effect,” said Sunil Sethi, the party’s chief spokesperson and head of the disciplinary committee in a statement.

Bhagat was suspended in August this year after he went against his own party by calling for defending Article 35A and Article 370 that confer special status to Jammu and Kashmir in Indian constitution.

Describing Articles 370 and 35A as “shields”, Bhagat had said the people in Kashmir Valley were aware of the “pros and cons” of the provision and were “fighting our battle as well”.

“If Article 35A is tinkered with, the day will not be far when the youth of Jammu will also pick up guns and stones. The BJP is selling dreams and want to sacrifice the interests of Jammu to achieve its goal of 300 plus (seats) in the upcoming parliamentary elections,” the disgruntled BJP leader was quoted as saying by the PTI news agency.

The disciplinary committee of the BJP had also proposed to restrain Bhagat from holding official position in the party for one year.

The disciplinary action against Bhagat was taken after an ex-serviceman alleged that the BJP leader had abducted his daughter – a charge the legislator and the woman have denied.

However, Bhagat’s estranged wife Monika Sharma publicly accused him of having an extra-marital affair with the woman.