KATHUA, MAY 10: Taking serious view of the reported transfers, postings and attachments made by CEO Kathua in the mid-session despite a ban on such transfers by the Government vide its Circular no 07-Edu of 2017 dated April 4, 2018, Deputy Commissioner, Rohit Khajuria inspected the office of Chief Education Officer and found that the working of the CEO is not in conformity with the office procedures.

On the directions of Minister for School Education, CEO was attached to the office of Deputy Commissioner and the charge of CEO was assigned to District Education and Planning Officer, till suitable arrangements are being made. All the transfers, postings and attachments made by the CEO in recent past stand cancelled.

Several deputations had apprised DC of transfers of teachers made by CEO from far flung areas like Bani, Malhar, Macheedi during mid-session thereby adversely effecting the studies of the students. A detailed report was sought from the in charge CEO with documents which will be submitted to the Government.