Committee constituted for effective implementation of PMAY-G in JK


SRINAGAR, OCTOBER 11: Governors administration today accorded sanction for the constitution of a State Level and District Level Committee for implementation of “Pradhan Mantri AwasYojna” (PMAY-G) Scheme in the State.

According to the order the committee will be headed by Chief Secretary, J&K. The members of the committee will be Administrative Secretary, Power Development Department, Administrative Secretary, Public Health Engineering, I&FC Department, Administrative Secretary, Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs Department, Administrative Secretary, Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj and any other officer (s)/Technical expert to be co-opted as needed.

The role and terms of reference of the State Level Committee shell be to ensure preparation of a comprehensive Annual Action Plan (AAP) for implementation of PMAY-G. The Plan would, inter-alia, include the roadmap for time bound completion of the houses sanctioned and ensure convergence with other schemes; and monitor the programme of completion of houses in the State as per Annual Plan funded by Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India in the State.

The State Level Committee shall be serviced by the Department of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj and shall meet at least twice in a year.