Director Agriculture inaugurates Mega Kisan Mela at Bandipora


BANDIPORA, DECEMBER 13: Director Agriculture Kashmir Altaf Aijaz Andrabi on Thursday inaugurated a Mega Kissan Mela at Sher-e- Kashmir Stadium Bandipora under centrally Sponsored Scheme National Mission on Agriculture Extension and Technology.

Farmers from nook and corner of the district participated in the Kissan Mela and were apprised with different agriculture techniques during the Kissan Mela.

Scientists from KVK Bandipora and officers from department of Agriculture shared with the participating farmers information about modern techniques to be adopted in Crop Husbandry, Apiculture, Mushroom Cultivation, Kitchen gardening and backyard poultry rearing.

Farmers were given knowledge of different Centrally Sponsored Schemes in vogue in agriculture sector and different incentives available to them under these schemes.

Director Agriculture who was the Chief Guest on the occasion deliberated upon agriculture scenario of the District and appealed all the participating farmers to come forward and avail the technical knowhow which is being provided to them by the department through qualified agriculture technocrats. He visited the stalls erected by department and allied sectors and interacted with the farmers and to get the feedback of various schemes.

Additional District Development Commissioner Bandipora Zahoor Ahmad Mir in his address asked farmers to benefit from the schemes of agriculture department and allied sectors based on entitlement and ensure that they adopt agriculture and allied activities as a profession for themselves and posterity.

Farm machinery, High quality hybrid seeds, improved varieties of fruits and vegetables were main areas of attraction for the participating farmers.

Chief Agriculture Officer, Mohammad Qasim Ghani on the occasion, gave a detailed presentation with regard to the incentives being provided to farmers of the District. He said that machinery like Tractors. Power Tiller, Irrigation Motors, other farm machinery are being distributed to the farmers of the District during current year involving a subsidy of Rs 150 Lacs.

Farmers interacted with the scientists and officers of the department. They were appraised of the latest techniques of agriculture and allied activities.

Flagship Centrally Sponsored Schemes like Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) and Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) were in detail deliberated upon with the farmers during the mega Kisan Mela so as to make them aware of these schemes and were asked to come forward to avail benefits from these farm related schemes.