Jammu Sanskriti School, Kathua accredited with Sir CV Raman Award 2018 for introducing neoteric innovators to applied physics. Excellence is not about perfection, it is about perseverance. This assertion goes well when it comes to achievement. Maintaining the trend of achieving multifarious award, another feather is added in the Cap of Jammu Sanskriti School, Kathua when we are accredited with “Sir CV Raman Award 2018” on 11th May 2018 at India International Centre New Delhi. Nearly 130 entries were there out of which 15 schools were selected for this award. This award was on the basis of following parameters:-
i)Reverbation Time: – Measurement of Noise level in decibels.
ii)Sound Meter :- App used to measure sound in quite and full atmosphere.
iii)Size of rooms and qualification of teachers.
Measurements were to be taken in various areas of school such as entry gate, auditorium, classrooms , reception area, play ground etc. whole measurement were measured by Mr. Deepak Khajuria (TGT Computer) & Miss Shikha Chandan (TGT Physics). Principal Mrs. Shuchita Gupta has received this award. While being thankful to almighty Mrs Shuchita Gupta asserted that any award is a collaborative efforts which eulogizes and boosts the morale to be better than yesterday. The entire fraternity from teaching to non-teaching staff has worked and contribute towards the growth and up iftment of our institution.