Sakshi Dhoni Gets Trolled for Making Husband Buckle Her Shoes, Trolls Them Right Back


Fame and fortune are both fickle friends, but trolls will always stick around, like the unwelcome sores that they are. Sakshi Dhoni, wife of former Indian cricket captain MS Dhoni, is a frequent target for all manner of trolling and her latest set of pictures was no exception.

Sakshi recently posted an image of her husband bending down to buckle the strap of her sandals while quipping that, since he had bought them, he should tie them too.

The picture quickly went viral, though mostly for the wrong reasons, with irate (read irrational) fans taking issue with the fact that a man was lowering himself to such depths as to bend the knee in front of his wife and do up her shoes for her.

Instead of dismissing it for the picture-friendly inanity the whole incident was, trolls kept at it, possibly trying to bait a response. If so they had another think coming, after Sakshi posted another image last night, of Mahi fastening a bracelet on her wrist and captioning it, “You paid for the band so you screw it too, #Round2” (sic).

We wonder if there’s any hidden message in that second caption?