Capacity Building programme of School Counselor of Govt. & Private Schools of Chandigarh


With the objective of sensitizing and creating awareness on the topic of child rights, Chandigarh Commission for the Protection of Child Rights in collaboration with Education Department, UT Chandigarh and Bachpan Bachao Aandolan (BBA) organised the Training workshop for School Counsellors in Government College of Education, Sector 20 D Chandigarh. The workshop is a deemed effort by CCPCR towards child friendly Chandigarh. Commission since last year has been conducting training on mental health, child sexual abuse, child rights and rte for school counselors.

The Workshop was attended by 45 school counsellors from various schools across the city. Along with Prof. Nishtha Jaswal, member, CCPCR, Smt. Monica, Member, CCPCR, Sh. Puneet Sharma, State Coordinator, BBA, Sh. Kartar Singh, Law Officer, Sh. Chanchal Singh, Consultant RTE, MS Niti Mohan, Consultant POCSO and Sh Arvind Dhawan, Sr. Assistant, CCPCR. The esteemed speakers on the occasion were Sh. Vivek Atray, IAS (retd), Prof. Adarsh Kohli, Professor, Department of Psychology, PGIMER and Sh. Rupinderjit Singh Brar, PCS, Director School Education, Chandigarh Administration.

Prof. Nishtha Jaswal, Member, CCPCR in her presidential remarks highlighted the rising crimes committed on / by children. She further elaborated on the changing provisions of law to address the contemporary issues. She also spoke the role of counsellors as a critical thread which can harness and drive change for children.

While interacting with the Counsellors, Sh. Vivek Atray highlighted the role of leadership while interacting and addressing children issues. HE also spoke on 6 Cs (Courage, character, creativity, compassion, cheerfulness and Contentment) which we all need to imbibe within our lives and motivate children to follow them as well.

Prof. Adarsh Kohli, Professor, PGIMER spoke about the emotional and psychological dissonance faced by the adolescent in today’s times. She further highlighted about the body and emotional changes adolescent witness in their growing years and also the changing dynamics of the parent child relationship.

Sh. Rupinderjit Singh Brar, PCS, Director School Education, Chandigarh Administration spoke about child rights issues and role of counsellors. He further appreciated the efforts of Chandigarh Commission for Protection of Child Rights (CCPCR) for organising this kind of programme.

On this occasion certificates were distributed to the representatives of those schools of Chandigarh who had participated/ joined Bharat Yatra of Sh. Kailesh Satyarthi in Chandigarh.