Speeding truck mows down shepherd, over 30 sheep and goats in Ramban


A speeding truck on Friday mowed down a shepherd and his flock of sheep and goats near Thopal on Batote-Kishtwar road in Ramban district of Jammu and Kashmir.

Reports said that the shepherd, identified as Rehmatullah (28) of Trungal village of Doda, died on spot after being hit by the speeding truck this morning.

They said over 30 sheep and goats were crushed to death in the incident which took place near Thopal, six kilometres from Batote.

An official said the driver who had fled from the spot has been arrested. He said the body of the deceased shepherd has been shifted to Emergency Hospital Batote for legal formalities.

He said official from sheep husbandry department have reached at the spot to treat the injured livestock.