250 Govt officers to get IT-enabled training on e-governance


JAMMU, DECEMBER 20: Information Technology Department in collaboration with National Institute of Smart Governance (NISG) today started 3-Day training program on ‘Government Process Re-engineering’ for second batch.

On day one, training program was attended by more than 30 senior officers of various departments of the State Government, including, Commissioner Secretary Revenue Shahid Anayatullah, Director Archives, Archeology and Museums, Munir-ul-Islam, Director Employment Yash Paul Suman, Director Floriculture, Jammu BabilaRakwal and Sub District Magistrate KhaltsiLehSachin Kumar Vaishy

During the first half of the training program, NISG facilitator Jagdish Chander Kapoor sensitized the participants about various topics like Understanding Government Process & Service Quality, GPR & e-Governance project life-cycle & role, Process of Re-engineering, Defining Government Process Re-engineering and GPR Framework.

In second half of the day, General Manager, NISG Satyajit Rao Vaguala covered topics like Definition of the Vision & Understanding Service Prioritization Defining Vision for GPR, Major Components for GPR, Construction in GPR and Service Prioritization Framework.

In next two day the facilitators will sensitize the participants about various aspects of e-governance which include Collection of Data for Process Mapping, Definition of the Vision 7 Understanding Service Prioritization and Legal & Policy Framework for GPR,Governance Development, Community Capacity Building and Socioeconomic Challenges.

Besides, providing professional and technical support, the training programme will emphasize on exchange of ideas, discussions, brain storming, practical and team work.

Secretary, Information Technology, Saugat Biswas welcomed the participants and hoped for their enthusiastic approach to learn and participate in different events of the training program.

He added that these training programs will cover around 250 officers positioned at strategic levels in the Government including officers of the rank of Additional Deputy Commissioner, Directors and officers from various other administrative debarments.

Biswas said that trainings have been started in a big way this year after a gap of six years and have already covered administrators and officers of various levels from different departments of the State Government, districts including Leh and Kargil& State Taxes department.

During the workshop, it was informed that the Jammu & Kashmir e-Governance Agency (JaKeGA), Department of Information Technology has for the first time collaborated with professional agencies such as National Institute for Smart Government (NISG), National e-Gov Division (NeGD), NIELIT and NIIT with a view to raise the standards of Capacity Building and making the trainings relevant to contemporary requirements.

The participants were also informed that presently over 100 G2C services are being offered online by the J&K government. The land records are being digitized, transport department services are online and the offices are moving towards file and record digitization and adopting e-tendering for procurement purposes.