J&K declared as Emerging State for Startups in India


Jammu and Kashmir has been ranked among several ‘emerging states’ in terms of the start-up eco -system offered by these states. The rankings were announced by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), Union ministry of Commerce in an event in New Delhi on Thursday.

“State Startup Rankings” of states for 2018 has been conducted on the basis of the environment they have created for the startups, said a DIPP statement.  Gujarat has emerged as the top most state providing the best start-up eco system.

Assam, Delhi, Goa,  Maharashtra, Punjab, Tamil Nadu and Uttarakhand are the other states that have been declared among the emerging start-up destinations along with J&K.

A certificate of appreciation with recognition as an ‘Emerging State in developing and enabling Startup ecosystem in the State’ and ‘As Leader for Seeding Innovation’ was given to J&K, said a statement issued by JKEDI. It said being the nodal agency for implementation of J&K Startup policy, JKEDI represented the state in the “State Startup India Rankings-2018”.

The statement said JKEDI director, M I Parray was felicitated and awarded a ‘certificate of commendation’ “for his efforts that have been instrumental in enabling Jammu & Kashmir’s startup ecosystem and helping the state being acknowledged as an ‘Emerging State’ in the Startup Rankings,”, the statement added.