Engineering Graduates call on Altaf Bukhari


SRINAGAR, MAY 21: A delegation of State Joint Action Committee of Engineering Graduates today called on Minister for Finance, Labour and Employment, Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari.

The delegation thanked the government and minister for taking a historic decision for granting Assured Career Progression (ACP) scheme to the Gazetted services of the engineering fraternity.

While hailing the cabinet decision, the delegation led by Er. Farooq Ahmed Ganaie and Firdous Ahmad Bhat stated that the grant of ACP to the engineers will boost the morale of the engineers and will go a long way in enhancing the motivation of the engineers for the implementation of the developmental agenda of the government.

The delegation also apprised the minister about various issues confronting them and sought early redressal of their grievances which included the enhancement of Fixed Travel Allowance, removal of pay anomaly particularly at JE level and granting PB – 4 to the Superintending Engineer.

The Minister gave a patient hearing to the delegation and assured them that all their issues will be addressed in time bound manner.

Minister said Government is committed to resolve all the genuine demands of the employees as they are the basic and very important unit of the governance.