In the first death sentence under new rape law, a 19-year-old has been ordered death penalty for raping seven-month-old baby in Rajasthan in 2018. In March, state assembly passed the law that allows death penalty in rape of minors under 12 years of age.
After Madhya Pradesh which passed the law, Rajasthan is the second state to bring such law in force.
The incident happened on May 9 when the accused took the baby from a relative who was babysitting the child. When parents questioned about the whereabouts of the child, relative told them that the neighbour had taken her away. About a kilometre away from their home, she was found crying in a football field.
The baby was admitted in Alwar hospital and medical reports confirmed rape after which the accused was arrested.
Kuldeep Singh, public prosecutor said, “This is the first such case in Rajasthan and the third in the country. In the first two cases, the accused was given death sentence.”
He also said that the case was fast-tracked and trial was completed after 13 hearings.