Police on Thursday said a youth has been arrested on charges of murdering a 12-year Ganderbal boy Faisal Hussain Misger whose body was found in an apple orchard on September 18. A murder case under FIR No. 168/2018 U/S 302 RPC has been registered.
The accused, the 21-year-old Abrar Majeed Reshu, a resident of Buserbugh in Ganderbal, according to the police, killed the boy “in a fit of rage” as he was annoyed with the family of the boy for turning down his marriage proposal for his sister.
The we dding of the sister took place only a few days back. SSP Ganderbal Muhammad Khalil Poswal said his probe team rounded up suspect Abrar for questioning and later upon his interrogation he confessed to his crime.
“It was only the third day of the marriage of the girl, adding that the accused in a fit of rage took Faisal to a nearby orchard and strangulated him to death” SSP said.