Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Odisha on Saturday morning and met and interacted with Anganwadi workers in Talcher. Upon his arrival, Prime Minister Modi was welcomed by Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik. The Prime Minister will attend an event to mark the commencement of work in the Talcher Fertilizer Plant followed by a public meeting. He is also scheduled to inaugurate a new airport in Jharsugada. “The fertilizer plant will produce natural gas and contribute to the country’s energy requirements, while the airport will bring western Odisha on the country’s aviation map, and facilitate regional air connectivity through the government’s UDAN (Ude Desh ka Aam Naagrik) scheme,” an official statement read. During his visit, the Prime Minister will dedicate the Garjanbahal coal mines and the Jharsaguda-Barapali-Sardega rail link to the nation. He will also unveil a plaque to mark the commencement of coal production and transportation from Dulanga coal mines.