Kohli attends event organized by BMVSS in New York


Minister for Animal, Sheep Husbandry and Fisheries, Abdul Ghani Kohli has said that Bhagwan Mahaveer ViklangSahayata Samiti (BMVSS), also known as Jaipur Foot is doing a tremendous job for his humanitarian works and has given a much-needed boost to the self-esteem of people by improving the quality of life for the disabled.

The Minister was invited to New York (USA) to attend the event organized by BMVSS tracing 50 years of the ‘Jaipur Foot’ as guest of honor.

Kohli participated in the exhibition of the world-famous and most widely used artificial limb, Jaipur Foot at the United Nations headquarters in New York from May 15 to 18. As part of the programme, an exclusive seminar on Jaipur Foot was also organized at the U N Gallery at the initiative of India’s permanent representative Syed Akbaruddin.

India’s permanent representative in U S, Syed Akbaruddin, Counsel General of India in New York Sandeep Chakravarty, Rajya Sabha Chief Whip Narayan Lal Panchariya, President, Indian Council for Cultural Relations Vinay Sahasrabuddhe, founder and chief patron of Bhagwan Mahaveer ViklangSahayata Samiti (BMVSS)D R Mehta, Chairman, Jaipur Foot in USA Prem Bhandari, Ambassadors from 12 countries and many other dignitaries participated in the event.

Participating in the panel discussion organized at United Nations, the Minister said that he feels proud to be associated with Jaipur Foot. He praised for the organization for their dedicated efforts keeping humanity alive in the present world.

“Jaipur Foot has provided much needed assistance to those who are among the most affected and those who have very limited resources to seek the kind of assistance that is needed by them”, Kohli said.

By rehabilitating 1.7 million amputees and polio patients spread in 32 countries by providing free artificial limbs calipers and other aids and appliances, the Minister said that BMVSS is helping the needy people and making them able to live a respected life in the society.

Kohli urged Prem Bhandari, chairman, Jaipur Foot in USA to reach out to the state of Jammu and Kashmir and to help the disabled especially living in the remote areas of the state with providing them artificial limbs.

On the occasion, it was informed that the organization is now focusing on the development of an affordable artificial hand. Jaipur Foot is helping the BMVSS in that mission in collaboration with the University of Santa Clara.

The panel discussion was organized by India’s Permanent Mission to the UN, along with the BMVSS and Jaipur Foot.