43655 IHHLs constructed in Bandipora


BANDIPORA, MAY 25: District Development Commissioner, Bandipora Khursheed Ahmad Sanai, today convened a meeting to review the progress under the Swachch Bharat Mission (SBM) programme in the district.

The meeting was informed that 43,655 Individual House Hold Latrines (IHHLs) out of the total target of 43,996 IHHLs have been constructed across the district, adding the remaining 341 IHHLs will be completed by the end of current month.

It was also informed that 11 out of 12 blocks in the district have been declared as Open Defecation Free (ODF) blocks, adding that those declared ODF blocks include Aloosa, Baghtoor, Ganasthan, Gurez, Hajin, Naidkhie, Nowgam, Bandipora and Sumbal.

The DDC impressed upon the officers to gear up their field functionaries and ensure that the entire district is declared ODF at the earliest.

The meeting was attended by Assistant Commissioner Development, Ambassadors of SBM, DPO and all BDOs attended the meeting.