JAMMU: Advisor to Governor, Kewal Kumar Sharma Saturday highlighted the significance of Yoga for healthy living and its importance in modern day life.
The Advisor was speaking at ‘All India Pranayam Prashikshan Shiver’ here today at Bhartiya Yog Sansthan Yog Ashram at Gole Gujral, where he was present as the chief guest.
He also participated in the morning Yog Sadhana. He was welcomed by President, Bharitiya Yog Sansthan, Jammu, Satyapal and Secretary, BYS, Jia Lal.
“Yoga is a journey of self, through self, to the self. It is significant to lead a balanced and healthy life,” the Advisor said.
Highlighting the significance of Yoga, Sharma advised the people to adopt healthy life-style to stay fit. He said that Yoga plays an important factor in discovering inner peace; a sense of oneness and form a balance between mind and body.
Considered to be an age-old mental, physical and spiritual practice, now, Yoga has been practiced globally, he said, adding that, the practice of Yoga is believed to help in transforming the body and mind of the practitioners.
The Advisor appreciated the role played by the Bhartiya Yog Sansthan for involving large number of people in daily Yog Abyas and imparting Yoga to people regularly, free of cost, across the nation and maintaining purity in its operations. He further said it would be better if young minds are roped in for daily Yoga practice.
He applauded the organization for dedicating itself towards their mission “Jiyo aur Jivan do” aiming at making people healthy through Yoga, an ancient Indian science for physical, mental and spiritual well-being.
The Advisor expressed his gratification to witness the participants from 23 States assembled at Jammu for the Yoga Camp and extended a warm welcome to all the participants. He also assured all possible support to the organization in its endeavor to spread Yoga for transforming physical and mental health of the people.
Meanwhile, the Advisor also visited the book stall there and enquired about the available books on Yoga practice. He said that such texts will play a great contributing factor towards spreading health all over.
Pertinently, a total of 620 Yog Adhikaries spread across the country, representing 23 states, are participating in the three-day-long camp. The participants made a presentation of various postures and pranayam techniques which they practiced during the camp and also shared their experiences of the camp.