PU Senate Meeting


Panjab University, Chandigarh in its Senate Meeting held here today approved
the removal from service of Assistant Professor Komal Singh, Department of Public
Administration based on the recommendations of the Panjab University Committee
Against Sexual Harassment (PUCASH) regarding complaint of certain students of the
Department of Public Administration against him. However, he will have option
seeking service outside Panjab University.
The Senate after deliberating on the issue of rationalisation and revision
of fee structure, examination fee and all other charges for the session 2018-19, the
Senate resolved to an overall 5% fee hike for affiliated colleges to the University
in Chandigarh and Punjab. However, there shall be no increase in late fee admission
The Senate approved the appointment of Prof. Shankar Ji Jha, Department of
Sanskrit, as Dean of University Instruction for a period of one year.
The Senate unanimously approved the extension of Prof. Emanual Nahar, USOL
as Dean of Student Welfare (M) and Prof. Neena Caplash, Deptt. of Biotechnology,
DSW (W) for a period of one year w.e.f. June 1, 2018. Appointment of Prof. Ranjan
Kumar of Deptt. of Physics as Associate DSW for a period of one year w.e.f. June 1,
2018 has also been approved.
The Senate approved the extension of Dr. Devinder Dhawan, Chief Medical
Officer, Bhai Ghanaiya Ji Institute of Health, P.U. for a period of one year. The
promotion of Dr. (Ms) Simrit Kahlon from Associate Professor to Professor in the
Department of Geography has been approved. Also, promotion of Assistant Professors
to Associate Professors and certain Assistant Professor (Stage -2) to Assistant
Professor (Stage -3).
Prof. Jagat Bhushan, Principal cum Professor, Dr. Harvansh Singh Judge
Institute of Dental Science & Hospital, Sector-25, PU, Chandigarh was elected as a
member of the Dental Council of India, by simple majority vote.