DC Kathua launches Postal Deptt’s Aadhar enrollment, updation service


KATHUA JULY 26: Deputy Commissioner, Rohit Khajuria today inaugurated Aadhar enrollment and updation services launched by Postal Department here at Head Post Office (HPO).

Director Postal Services J&K, Gaurav Srivastav, SSPO Jammu, J R Angural, ACR, Jitendra Mishra, Post Masters, Sub Post Masters and other staff members were also present.

The DC welcomed the move of Postal Department and sad that it will facilitate hassle-free Aadhaar enrolment, biometric update besides updating demographic details of residents living in Kathua district.

He said that Post Office is still relevant in and Aadhar has become an important document for availing various services and benefits such as opening of Bank accounts, PAN card, Income tax returns, Passport, Ration card etc. . He said by facilitating customers to get Aadhar number, the post Office has diversified its functioning to cater to the larger domain. He further said that it will ensure instant seeding of Aadhaar numbers and other KYC details in customer accounts which will help the beneficiaries in availing DBT in their bank accounts.

Director Postal Services J&K, Gaurav Srivastav said that a new chapter of cooperation has been opened between State and Central Government by opening Aadhar enrolment and updation centre. He further added that Aadhar holders are required to keep the details such as mobile number, email id, address updated in the Aadhar database for availing the benefits of Aadhar related services provided by Central and State government.

He also informed that in Jammu region 9 Post Offices have Aadhar enrollment and updation services against the set target of 87 such canters.

He said the facilities available for the residents at these centers are new enrolment, biometric update and demographic update (name, address, DoB, mobile, gender and email).