Power shutdown


JAMMU, JULY 26: To execute the work for erection of one isolation point and replacing of damaged HT pole on 11 KV PHE Barjani feeder, the shutdown of 11 KV feeders is being observed.

During the shutdown, the power supply to Industries in SIDCO, Bari Brahmana, EPIP Kartholi, Barjani, Smailpur, Badhori, GurhaSlathian and Mandal Rahya shall remain affected on July 29 from 9 am to 3 pm.

Meanwhile, to carry out emergency branch cutting and replacement of worn-out jumpers of 33 KV Canal-Medical line, the power supply to areas fed from R/Stn. Medical Essential feeders from 33/11 KV R/Stns. shall remain affected on July 28 from 7 am to 12 noon.

However, the Medical and SSH shall be fed from 33 KV Janipur-Sectt line.