BSEB class 12 compartment result declared | Check at


BSEB class 12 compartment result 2018: The Bihar School Examination Board declared the results of Class 12 compartment examinations on Sunday, August 26.

The board was to earlier declare the result on August 16 but the date was postponed till 20 August due to the state mourning the demise of former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.

All the candidates who have appeared for the examination can download the answer keys through the official website.

The exam was conducted between July 13 to 20 and around 1.55 lakh candidates had applied this year.

A candidate needs to score a minimum of 30 per cent marks in theory paper and 40 per cent of total marks in practical to pass the intermediate exam.

The marks required for a student to obtain first division is 300 marks. For a student to obtain the second division, a student needs to obtain 225 marks.

How to check BSEB 12th compartment results 2018

Step 1: Visit the official websites,
Step 2: Click on your respective stream
Step 3: Enter roll code, roll number
Step 4: Results will be appeared on the screen
Step 5: Download it, and take a print out for further reference and keep it safe.

The result of BSEB Class 12 board examination was declared on June 6.