The biometric attendance ordered by government is likely to prove a damper for Education Departments as 75 percent of schools are without electricity.
The various surveys conducted by the department itself and by other national organizations in the past years show that over 75 percent of government schools are yet to be electrified.

As per official figures there are around 23773 schools in the state out of which 17901schools are without electricity due to which the department till now as not been able to install biometric attendance system in the schools.
The government had ordered electrification of schools way back in 2016
An official of Education Department said: “The department had taken up the matter with PDD for installation of electricity connections in schools, but nothing was materialized on ground”.

In the recent order issued by the government no salary can be withdrawn by the government employee from June onwards, unless they do not get enrolled with biometric attendance system.
A minuscule number of teaching and non teaching staff mostly from city schools have got enrolled themselves in biometric attendance system.
Director School Education Kashmir (DSEK) G N Itoo admitted that most of the schools are un-electrified and have no arrangement for bio-metric attendance system.
“We have not introduced bio-metric attendance system in middle and primary schools. For now we will install portable battery backed biometric machines in these schools and get employees registered,” he said, adding that all the schools will be equipped with these machines.