Scholarship Test & Prelims Test Series At Ignited Minds


Scholarship Test & Prelims Test Series



( 1st July 2018 , 10:30 AM)

Starting from: 01 July 2018

Every year thousands of IAS/KAS Aspirants appear in Scholarship Test followed by Test Series conducted by IGNITED MINDS- which is based on exclusive Testing Methodology & FRESH ASSESSMENT SYSTEM as per the NEW PATTERN to help aspirants improve their scores in UPSC/PSC Exams.

The Scholarship Test & Test series from IGNITED MINDS has become an essential and obligatory tool for every serious aspirant to help improve themselves crack IAS/KAS.


This is a comprehensive and exhaustive class room program which is focused on sincere IAS/KAS Aspirants who will appear in Civil Service Exam (UPSC/ PSC). IGNITED MINDS has team of experts which provide necessary guidance to IAS/KAS aspirants for understanding the concepts of the subject and prepare them for effective answer writing.

Scholarship Test and Test Series will help aspirants understand the demand of UPSC/PSC exam effectively.

Our strategy is to constantly innovate to keep the preparation process dynamic and give personalized attention to individual aspirants based on the requirement of Civil Service Exam.

Keeping in view the current trend and nature of exam, it is all more important to have a good knowledge about the New Pattern of UPSC/PSC Exam. And, thus Test Series has become a crucial feature of exam as it develops right approach to succeed in UPSC/PSC Exam.

The sole purpose of this Scholarship Test and Test Series is to blossom the hidden qualities of aspirants.

Scholarship Test & Prelims Test Series



( 1st July 2018 , 10:30 AM)

Gole Market, Gandhi Nagar, Opposite Monika Super Market.
