Advisor Ganai launches portal; reviews performance of different wings


JAMMU: The Labour Department today went online offering host of services as Advisor to Governor Khursheed Ahmed Ganai launched the departmental portal here before taking a review of performance of its different wings.

The portal jointly crated by Labour department and SICOP will offer 31 services of twin organizations, including benefits under various welfare schemes for the workers, payment of various kinds of fee, besides information about labour laws and rules.

Following an elaborate presentation on the working scope, workers’ welfare schemes, employment generation progammes being implemented by Entrepreneurs development Institute (EDI) given by Commissioner Secretary, Labour and Employment, Saurabh Bhagat, the Advisor asked the heads of different wings to explore the department’s massive reach by thorough understanding of laws, rules and schemes meant for benefiting huge population of working class.

The meeting was attended by Labour Commissioner, Director Employment, Senior functionaries of various boards and corporations working for emancipation of workers, women, promotion of entrepreneurship and self-employment schemes.

“The department is only second to Education sector in terms of the coverage as it is meant to serve lakhs of workers in organized and unorganized sector. You can reach them only by understanding the nerve of services, schemes and the laws and rules governing the same” Ganai asserted while addressing the officers. For this, he asked them to work hard and stretch their functioning beyond the conventional working hours. “Understanding the laws and rules is very important for effective delivery of services and realize lasting results for this extremely wide and large constituency,” he maintained.

He hailed the introduction of e- governance and IT enabled services by the department but at the same time stressed on the need to have trained people down the line for effective operation of the system.

Asking EDI to continue with its good work, the Advisor asked the functionaries to explore the scope for improvement, learning and better delivery.

Earlier, Commissioner Secretary, through power point presentation elaborated on the services being provided through the newly launched portal for the benefit of varied category of stakeholders, achievements in extending social security, insurance and health coverage services to the workers through chain of dispensaries.

The Advisor asked the department to reach out to huge population of workers in Lassipora Kashmir, Udhampur and Kishtwar districts in Jammu.

The Secretary also informed about the ESI hospitals for workers proposed to be built at Srinagar and Jammu.

The Advisor suggested for building these facilities at accessible places.

Saurabh Bhagat, further elaborated on the initiatives taken for better management of PF, creation of payment gate for disbursement of benefits to workers and other services.

He also listed the services and initiatives being offered and proposed for reaching out to the Un- organized Construction and other workers through the Board constituted for it.