Secy IT reviews JDA Automation project


JAMMU: Secretary, Information Technology Department, Saugat Biswas today reviewed the implementation of ‘Automation of Jammu Development Authority Project’.

The meeting was attended by officers of IT Department, Jammu and Kashmir e-Governance Agency (JaKeGA), and Jammu Development Authority (JDA) and the agencies involved with implementation of the project.

Secretary IT, Saugat Biswas informed that the project will be path breaking in terms of providing online day to day JDA related citizen services from the comfort of their homes.

He issued directions to the JaKeGA, the project implementing agency to strictly adhere to timelines and ensure high quality digitization of existing records. Besides, Secretary IT passed several directions to the concerned stakeholders of JDA and vendors to coordinate and prioritize the completion of project deliverables. The project is slated to complete in four months, added Biswas.

Automation of JDA, a project approved few years back was kick-started in 2018 by the IT department. The project will provide a seamless interface between Jammu Development Authority and citizens. The software solutions will reduce human interface in recording, processing, storing, retrieval and management of information for the service operations of JDA. The project will automate the processes of JDA with electronic service delivery thereby reducing cost and at the same time making it more accessible to the public. This will also add transparency to the processes.

The project will provide various online e-services like application for building permission, allotment of notified assets, registration/transfer/ mortgage possession/ of property, permission to sub-let/ renew lease of property, addition and deletion of name in lease deed/ grant of no dues/ online RTI/ online payments etc. besides various backend online services for the internal working of Jammu Development Authority.