Farmers Training programme commences at Krishi Bhawan


JAMMU: A five-day Farmers’ Training Programme under Sub Mission on Agriculture Extension (CSS) NMAET commenced here today at Krishi Bhawan to educate the farmers about the ongoing farmer welfare schemes, integrated farming and latest technological innovations in Agriculture.

The training programme, being participated by farmers from different districts of Jammu Division, is being conducted from 27th of November to 1st of December 2018.

Director Agriculture, H. K. Razdan, Joint Director Agriculture (Extension), BuleshZutshi and Deputy Director Agriculture (Trainings), Sunil Koul were present on the occasion.

Speaking in the Inaugural Session, Razdan advised the farmers to learn various technical aspects of farming and make use of every opportunity to get information with regard to different schemes being implemented by the department.

Technical session is being conducted by Resource Persons from SKUAST and the Department of Agriculture including K.K. Sharma, Agriculture Economist, Daisy Bhan, Assistant Agriculture Chemist, Dr. Uma Shanker, Dr. Sachin Gupta, Dr. Bikram Mehra, Dr. Satish Pandita, Dr. Sheetal Dogra, Ajab Singh and Aman Jyoti Sharma.

The lectures will be delivered on variety of topics including Diversified Farming for doubling the farm income, Mushroom cultivation round the year, Flower cultivation, Bee Keeping, Cultivation of Exotic vegetables, Pradhan Mantri FasalBimaYojna (PMFBY) etc. Besides, field visits to SKUAST Research Farms and Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) R. S. Pura for practical exposure would be organized during the training programme.

Later, Small Hand Tool kits were distributed among the farmers.

During interactive session, all queries raised by the participants were satisfactorily answered by the resource persons.

Deputy Director (Central), Jagmohan Bhat, Training Officer FTC, Sarmesh Kumar, Farm Management Specialist, Deepak Kumar and others were also present on the occasion.