Farmers training programme held at Sangarwani Pulwama


PULWAMA: For improving the cultivation practice and increase the yield of vegetables, Department of Agriculture, Sub Division Kakapora, Zone Khaigam organized a one-day farmers training programme on vegetable cultivation at Khaigam and Sangarwani.

On the occasion, Sub–Divisional Agriculture officer Kakapora Abdul Manaf, said that scientific agricultural practices like crop rotation, terrace farming, climate resilient cultivation of crops would make farming sustainable and productive. He urged upon the farmers to adopt organic farming which promotes and enhances agro-eco system, bio diversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity.

On the occasion, agri-scientists and technical staff from the department imparted training to the farmers and spoke about the need to focus on sustainable hill-agriculture, high altitude farming mixed cropping, off–season vegetable cultivation and the judicious use of farm and home refuse for the production of vermin-compost.

Besides, Agriculture Extension officer, other concerned officials, large number of farmers participated in the programme.