DDC reviews Greater Shopian Master Plan


DDC reviews Greater Shopian Master Plan

SHOPIAN, JULY 28: In order to prepare master plan for greater Shopian, a district level officers meeting of town planning was held here today at mini secretariat Arhama Shopian, under the chairmanship of District Development Commissioner Shopian, Owais Ahmed.

The meeting held threadbare, discussions regarding preparation of Master Plan for greater Shopian including ShopianDubjan Peer Gali. The District Town Planner gave a brief presentation of salient features and requirement for formulation of Master Plan. He informed the meeting that necessary information has been sought from various line departments which is needed for the plan. He said the revenue data is particularly needed for the purpose. The DDC directed all departments to cooperate with District Town Planner and expedite the project.

On the occasion, the DDC directed the Municipal Committee Shopian not to allow any construction on open places, without proper permission and also directed for removal of encroachments adding that there would be no compromise on encroachments as also desired by the higher authorities.

Among others, the meeting was attended by Chief Planning Officer Shopian, CEO Shopian Dubjan Peer Gali Development Authority, District Town Planner, Executive Engineer Town drainage Kashmir, R&B Shopian, PHE Shopian, Chief Executive Officer, MC Shopian and other concerned.