Ramban: DDC resolves issues confronting mega projects


RAMBAN, JULY 29- District Development Commissioner Showkat Aijaz Bhat today chaired a meeting to resolve land acquisition and other issues hampering mega projects in the district.

Senior functionaries of district administration, NHAI, Railways and representatives of construction agencies working on prestigious four laning project and Railways projects attended the meeting

Underlining the importance of the prestigious projects, the DDC assured to take required measures to resolve the issues at all construction sites.

After discussing the issues with the concerned, he passed directions for timely redress of the same.

The DDC reviewed the progress on shifting and protection of HT Tower and other utilities including their reinstallation and developing suitable environment for construction work.

Setting the timeline, he directed all stakeholders to work in cohesion to sort out the pending issues of population affected due to the projects.

The DDC also directed the concerned authorities to ensure smooth passage of the traffic on the highway by maintaining the existing road and drainage along the crucial stretches.

Reminding the companies of Corporate Social Responsibility, he directed them to meet the same in their respective working areas to maintain a rapport with the public. He said this will help in making the atmosphere congenial for smooth progress of work on the projects.

Some issues were also resolved on the spot, even as the DDC directed the concerned to ensure completion of all assessment cases for avoiding unnecessary delay in national projects. He also exhorted upon the construction companies to give preference to locals while engaging workforce.