Mahant Rohit Shastri called on Speaker Dr.Nirmal Singh


Jammu, DEC 31 : Renowned Sanskrit scholars Mahant Rohit Shastri called on honourable speaker Dr.Nirmal Singh and highlighted need of Sanskrit Gurukuls in Jammu and Kashmir.

Mahant Rohit told Honourable Speaker Dr.Nirmal Singh that J&K is renowned in world as the land of temples and many Sanskrit scholars including Abhinavgupt, Kalhana and Bilhana took birth in this sacred land. They brought to his notice that in present situation there are no major sanskrit gurukuls due to which many Sanskrit students and scholars are worried about the future of Sanskrit in the state. Mahant Rohit Shastri appealed Dr.Nirmal Singh to take up the matter of establishing Sanskrit gurukuls and departments in J&K.

DR.Nirmal Singh listened them patiently and assured to project their demand to governor of the state Satya Pal Malik.

Dr . Nirmal singh also assured to place the demand of opening Sanskrit department in SMVDU, Central University on the table of governor.