World Menstrual Hygiene Day observed in government schools, DSEJ Ms. Anuradha Gupta stresses on the need of such programmes


World Menstrual Hygiene Day observed in government schools.

On  the  direction  of  Director  School  Education  Jammu  Ms.Anuradha Gupta, World Menstrual Hygiene  Day was observed in  many government  schools of Jammu  division to break the taboo  and  bring awareness about  the  need and importance of better menstrual hygiene management.

Different activities related to adolescent educalion for the month of May culminated in the celebration of World Menstrual Hygiene Day 2019. During  the whole month of May 2019 campaigns were conducted in different schools regardmg the menstrual hygiene management. This is in continuation of the guidance and counselling activities already taking place in government schools of Jammu Division , on various adolescent issues including menstrual hygiene.

Different activities like class talks by teachers, poster making on the theme, talks by resource persons/ doctors, power point presentations by experts, distribution of sanitary napkins by NGOs SARA, sensitization of boys, organizing
question answer sessions by different schools etc.
The  girls were  informed  in  detail  about  various  ways  to  manage  these  days effectively, to maintain proper hygiene, to remove misconceptions surrounding
periods and to seek help in case of any problems.
NGO SARA held an impressive function at GHSS Rehari Jammu and distributed
sanitary napkins. Airport authority of India through its CSR wing held programmes at GHSS Shastri nagar. As per reports received from DlETs, programme activities on the theme were held in at least l 00 schools benefitting about 4000 students. Incinerators are being installed  in  different  schools  to facilitate proper disposal or sanitary napkins.

DSEJ Ms. Anuradha Gupta

“Programmes like this will definitely facilitate the girl children for better management of their health and  hygiene  thereby  leading  to  happy  and  healthy kids”, said Director Anuradha Gupta in a meeting with counselling  cell  members. 

Counselling cell  DSEJ  and  counselling  cells  constituted  at  different  levels  coordinated  these programmes.
Pertinently different counselling activities are going on in government schools as per the calendar issued by counselling cell DSEJ .

Directorate of School Education Jammu has also launched telecounselling helpline Aao Baat  Karein (6006800068) to  cater the guidance  and  counselling needs  of  school students.