DLTFC Udhampur sponsors 134 Cases under PMEGP


DLTFC Udhampur sponsors 134 Cases under PMEGP

UDHAMPUR, JUNE 03: The First District Level Task Force committee (DLFTC) meeting for the year 2019-20 under Prime Minister Employment Guarantee Program held here today under the Chairmanship of Additional District Development Commissioner, Udhampur Ashok Kumar, which sponsored 134 cases of the un-employed beneficiaries for availing loan assistance under DIC and KVIB Udhampur.

Member Secretary DLTFC, General Manager DIC, Udhampur Suram Chand Sharma apprised the meeting of the targets and achievements for the year 2018-19 and disclosed that the achievement was above 200% during the last financial year.

Among Others, LDM ,Udhampur Bal Jee Naru, Functional Manager DIC, Amresh Kotwal, and other committee members were also present.