An Uttar Pradesh policeman, who recently made headlines by shouting ‘thain thain’ to scare criminals during an encounter, got injured during an exchange of fire on Friday, reported ANI. Sub-inspector Manoj Kumar sustained bullet injuries in his hand and has been admitted to a hospital. The encounter took place in Asmoli police limits on Friday between the police, a wanted criminal and his accomplice.
One of the miscreants also sustained injuries in the encounter and has been admitted to a hospital, said Sambhal SP Yamuna Prasad adding that the other one managed to flee.
ANI reported that two bike-borne miscreants fired at police during which Manoj got injured.
Around three months ago, the video of Kumar mimicking the sound of gunfire amused people as he was heard shouting “thain thain” to scare criminals after his pistol got jammed. The Sambhal sub-inspector (S-I) shot to fame when the video went viral.