Jammu, 5th of November: Director School Education Jammu Ms. Anuradha Gupta, today, chaired a meeting that was attended by all the Chief Education Officers and DIET Principals of Jammu division and other office bearers of the department, to discuss various pressing issues.

Director Education, Ms. Anuradha Gupta was very particular about the regularization of ReT teachers and directed all the CEOs to clear all genuine pending cases. She also took up the issue of SSA teachers’ salary strongly and issued necessary directions to the concerned officers.

A detailed discussion was held over the implementation of Right to Education Act which has come into force after Jammu and Kashmir formally becoming a Union Territory since the 1st of November of this year.
A host of other issues like making schools plastic free and segregation of organic and inorganic waste were taken up and discussed thoroughly. Special stress was laid by Ms. Anuradha Gupta over renovation and completion of wash rooms in schools.
A complete review of civil works being conducted in various schools was conducted and directions were issued by the Director Education for completion of work in stipulated time period.