JAMMU, October 6: Director School Education Jammu, Ms. Anuradha Gupta met various teaching and non teaching staff deputations, public deputations and individuals during public grievances redressal meeting here on Saturday, including Jammu And Kashmir Teachers Forum and RET Teachers Forum.

Several deputations comprising of teachers, parents, representatives of forums and unions, staff of Education Department, civil society groups and individuals as well as public delegations hailing from different parts of Jammu division met the Director and apprised her of their genuine demands and hard pressing grievances.

Over 400 people met the Director School Education Jammu Ms. Anuradha Gupta at the directorate headquarters and presented before her a number of issues seeking immediate redressal and relief for their concerns.
Various demands and problems which were raised by the people ranged from teaching – learning issues, transfers/ postings/attachments, student centered issues, salary concerns and personal matters besides a host of many day to day occupational and other issues.
The Director gave a patient hearing to all the deputations, forums and individuals and informed them that the merit of each issue will be properly analyzed and appropriate action will be taken on priority basis for the redressal of genuine issues put forth by the visitors during the grievance redressal outreach programme. Ms. Anuradha Gupta also took up some of the issues of the public on the spot for redressal to the delight of the visitors.