School Edu Deptt organizes workshop on NISTHA, SHAGUNOTSAV Com Secy reviews preparedness for schemes’ implementation


JAMMU, NOVEMBER 06: One day workshop on upcoming programs- National Initiative for School Head and Teachers Holistic Advancement- NISHTHA and Census of Schools SHAGUNOSTAV was conducted here today to orient participants about objectives and implementation of these schemes.

The workshop, organized by Department of School Education, was chaired by Commissioner Secretary, Sarita Chauhan and attended by all Chief Education Officers and DIET Principals.

During the workshop, Commissioner Secretary also reviewed the preparedness of the department in execution of these schemes.

Speaking on the occasion, she advised the participants to ensure that every teacher attend the training programme and makes all necessary arrangements for the same.

Chauhan asked the officers to closely monitor the progress of the training and report about the functioning of the training. She reiterated the sincere participation in the programmes and to work in more coordinated manner for successful implementation of these schemes.

Commissioner Secretary stressed that SHAGUNOSTAV be carried out smoothly for capturing of school status / information correctly to enable department in addressing gaps in school infrastructure and quality. With the results of this survey, the Department of School Education shall facilitate the system to be responsive to school-specific needs, analyze school reports and initiate appropriate policy interventions, she added.

She stressed upon for constitution of different committees for various interventions of NISHTHA and SHAGUNOSTAV which shall be monitored by SPD Samagra Shiksha and Directors School Education Jammu/Kashmir on daily basis.

Earlier, State Project Director Samagra Shiksha Dr Arun Manhas gave an overview of the schemes and preparedness of the department for their implementation. He apprised the participants on the importance of NISHTHA and delineated the procedures of the scheme under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Samagra Shiksha in 2019-20.

Pertinently, the integrated programme aims to build the capacities of around 42 lakh participants covering all teachers and Heads of Schools at the elementary level in all Government schools, faculty members of SIEs, DIETs as well as officials and Resource Persons from Block Resource Centres (BRCs) and Cluster Resource Centres (CRCs) in all States and UTs.

Apprising on the upcoming initiative SHAGUNOTSAV, Dr Manhas said that education department is also conducting a census for schools under the initiative. Shagunotsav will lead to grading of schools for the purpose of understanding the gaps and where additional support/infrastructure will be required. The main objectives of SHAGUNOTSAV include the assessment of status of all government and government aided schools on various key indicators viz. availability of school infrastructure and other facilities related to teachers and students.

Further, it was informed that a total of 86680 teachers and Head Teachers will be trained under this programme in addition to faculty members of SIEs and DIETs. For this purpose, a State Resource Group consisting of 560 Key Resource Persons (KRPs) and 112 State Resource Persons Leadership (SRPL) has been constituted. The first phase of trainings is scheduled from 14th November, 2019 to 18th November, 2019 in which a total of 354 Resource persons will be trained by the National Resource Group from NCERT/NIEPA. The trainings shall be conducted in the campus of University of Jammu.

Among others present in the programme included Anuradha Gupta, Director School Education Jammu; J. K. Sudan, Joint Director-School Education; Peerzada Mushtaq, Field Officer, Samagara Shiksha and G. R. Mir, State Coordinator-NISHTHA Samagra Shiksha.