NHM employees resume duties in Shopian, DDC assures that genuine demands will be communicated to higher authorities.

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NHM employees resume duties in Shopian, DDC assures that genuine demands will be communicated to higher authorities

Shopian, February 7: National Health Mission employees of district Shopian ended their ongoing state wide strike in the district after a meeting with District Development Commissioner Dr Owais Ahmed. DDC assured that their genuine demands will be communicated to the higher authorities immediately.

After assurances from the DDC, Owais Ahmad, all the employees of National Health Mission resumed their duties from Thursday.

It pertinent to mention here that Shopian district is already facing dearth of doctors and Para medical staff in its hospitals hence this meeting between the employees of NHM and DDC Shopian was widely appreciated with the view that common people will not suffer any further in availing better health care facilities.

Due to the strike of NHM employees the health centres and hospitals in district were badly affected however with the resumption of duties, the health sector in district is now expected to function normally.