Boy reunited with his family


Panchkula -Jan 8 – A team of Anti Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) of Haryana Police Crime Branch has reunited a boy, who went missing for last five months from village Rasulpur, district Firozabad in Uttar Pradesh, with his family members.

          While stating this here today, a spokesman of Police Department said that after completing the required formalities, the boy was handed over to the maternal grandparents. The missing boy has been staying in Child Care Institute, Ghaziabad for past about four months.

          A team of AHTU headed by Sub-Inspector Mukesh Rani had contacted CCI Ghaziabad and requested the Institute operator to inform if any child from Haryana is staying in their institute.  On this, it was informed that a boy was staying in the institute. When quizzed, the boy disclosed his identity as Aasif of village Rasulpur. After getting clue, a detailed investigation was made with the assistance of Police in Rasulpur and Member Panchayat. Later on, it came to know that child is orphan and was brought up by his maternal grandparents.

In this way, AHTU team help the boy reunited with his family members with the directions of Child Welfare Committee.