Tourists to return to Kashmir, advisory lifted

Photo for representation only.

Srinagar, October 08: Governor Shri Satya Pal Malik held a Situation cum Security Review Meeting yesterday with the Advisors and the Chief Secretary. The meeting was also attended by the Principal Secretaries of Planning and Housing & Urban Development Department.

The Governor has been holding Situation cum Security Review Meetings on a daily basis for 2 hours generally from 6 to 8 pm each day since 5th August, 2019. Initially, the meetings focussed on reviewing the security scenario following the imposition of restrictions after constitutional changes that were made. For the past six weeks, all the security restrictions were removed in most parts of J&K, the Governor has been focussing on bringing life back to normal.

Some of the major decisions taken in the past in the Situation cum Security Review Meetings include reopening of Higher Secondary Schools; Colleges and Universities; restarting public transport; opening additional travel counters at TRC Srinagar; opening 25 internet kiosks in each district to facilitate the public and Government departments; monitoring attendance in Government offices, etc.

In today’s meeting the Governor was briefed about the BDC elections. He was informed that there is active interest in the BDC elections and most of the seats of Chairpersons of BDCs would be filled. All AROs and AEROs have been provided mobile phone facility to ensure smooth conduct of elections. Nomination papers were accepted even on Monday i.e. 07.10.2019.

The Governor was informed that as BDC elections were party based, the delegations of parties whose leaders are in jail are being allowed to meet party presidents once, so that they can take a decision on elections and authorise someone to approve candidates.

The Governor was also briefed about the progress in apple procurement which has crossed 850 tonnes and worth Rs. 3.25 crores. Some changes in the rates of apple are being made which will be announced shortly.

The Governor directed that the Home Department’s advisory asking tourists to leave the valley be lifted immediately. This will be done w.e.f. 10.10.2019.