DDC Udhampur reviews Self Help Group scheme of Engineers


Stresses on strict adherence to guidelines regarding 30% quota in development works for SHGs

UDHAMPUR, JANUARY 09: In order to review the progress and ensure effective implementation of Self Help Group of Engineers scheme in the district, District Development Commissioner, Ravinder Kumar, chaired a meeting of District Level Monitoring Committee (DLMC) of Self Help Groups here today.

Deputy Director Employment, Udhampur briefed the meeting about the status of works being allotted to SHGs by different departments and the progress of completion of allotted works. He informed that 29 Self Help Groups were registered in the district as per SHGs of Engineers Scheme and every development department has to provide 30% works in a year to Self Help Group of Engineers registered with the department of Employment.

The DDC instructed various development departments to earmark and allocate prescribed funds for development works to be executed by the Self Help Groups of Engineers.

Stressing on strict adherence and compliance of Government guidelines regarding 30% quota in development works for SHGs, the DDC asked the development departments to allot works strictly as per guidelines.

The meeting was attended by Chief Planning Officer, Rajeev Bhushan, SE PWD Des Raj, Deputy Director Employment, Udhampur Subash Dogra Executive Engineer PWD, Purshotam Kumar,Waqar Talib Assistant Director employment and other District Officers of various departments besides representatives of Self help Group were present.